Thursday, December 16, 2010

Dizzy After Treadmill Running

special Christmas magic

I busy myself on my little blog but I play elves Christmas my 10 magic fingers ...

And I make snacks for Christmas with the 6th Segpa ...

And I take a lot of fun with "my" ENAF (students newly arrived in France) and the sentence too. For those who refuse to say a word of French, his mother being subjected to OQTF , we all think he has legitimate fears ... The penalty for K. which is absent, and will remain so for long because it is "back in Bulgaria" ... And J. who, the day after his 16 years went back "to finish his studies" in Turkey (mild euphemism for "A Wedding "...) these children who have just set foot in our country, with hopes that all major we can imagine ... With the heartbreak of leaving what was their life ... With that momentum and fierce desire to learn our language, the application I see them every day, these dazzling progress they are wanting to integrate here. Appeased? No. To be, should they arise / posassent (yes, one or the other, choose whatever you want), serenely. And that they are not always allowed.
And I think the young teenager of 14 who returned to France after 7 years of absence, January 78, "political refugee", even though she was born here. But the pain of leaving everything that had made his life for 7 years, friends, daily, first love, uncles, aunts and cousins, father, too, when she came back even known culture. The advantage of dual nationality ... Today, this return would be administratively more difficult than it was at the time.

So I'm angry. All the time. And often sad. To them.
I remind my son every day how lucky they are to be born at the right place at the right time. In "good family" (I understand ... you too ... no bigotry or racism on my part .. it's just that my son has a skin color "neutral" and a surname below to awaken suspicions ... the reality of things is what it is, although it is far from our ideal staff)

E I still wish a Happy New Year to my ENAF, hoping to find them every 8 to the return ...


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