I inaugurate a new section Troc, and it will not necessarily mean that books ( nan, not teens, I tried, it works ", you do not ever want! )
redeem Billy in Swedish until the paste against my bed, I have no room ... excluding PAL (Batteries A Read) lying at the foot of my bed ...
The lazy to sacrifice them on Amazon ...
I propose here a little barter (version very very light, just a microphone handle, enough to keep the summer). But as I am really really lazy (I have the right I'm on vacation!), I put on the title link in the page more complete.
In exchange? What you want, books or other ... Submit. Please spare me, however
Musso, Marc Levy, Danielle Steel, A. Nothomb, EE Schmitt, P. Coelho!
(Bonus: Exchange Musso Because I love you against a Harlan Coben, cons summer reading summer reading!)
Uglies. Volume 3: Specials / Westerfeld, Scott .- Pocket Youth, 2008 .- 391 p. Abstract 4th
back cover ': The Specials: The name made her shudder Tally when she was a rebellious ugly and repulsive. And now after a new operation, it has become a Special to
As I said before, I really liked. And contrary to what I said, I am reading the 4! not my fault, he was head of radius exhibition yesterday at the library, I could not decently let alone, it is not polite!
Fascination. Volume 4: Revelation / Meyer, Stephenie .- Hachette 2008 .- 759 p. - (Black Moon)
Summary: Bella is marrying Machin but the party will be a little spoiled and later there will be a big fight but finally Bidule, who is in love with Bella and would have liked to marry her instead of Machin will still lend a hand with his buddies, too cool, and suddenly he is like the godfather of the baby.
( given you this e not envy my resume?! )
Life muted / Lodge, David .- Shores, 2008 .- 413 p.
Summary : Follow the link to Fluctuat.net, they say it better than me. I love David Lodge.
No longer available
Thinks / Lodge, David Shores .-, 2002 .- 401 p.
Summary: see link in title. Dr. David Lodge-love!
Neither you nor I / Laurens, Camille .- POL, 2006.-375 p. 4th
back cover: He is a director, she is a novelist.
they know or think they know something we tell stories and movies that is. Yet how to link these two sentences that are bound, then loosened, the two fixed planes: I love you-I do not love you anymore? What happens between the two? What happens - does that happen? How to say this does not mean, how show what can not see? It's a love story? A novel of hatred?
Blades background / Lott, Tim Belfond .-, 2003 .- 396 p. No longer available
England. Couple, fifties, unemployment, empowerment, the principle of communicating vessels, one dark and one not ... Separation. Getting lost. Touching, endearing, touching. There is, it is with them in the living room couch in the kitchen. Against a background of social portrait of England Thatcher. A pinch of Ken Loach. The kind of book I love, is still steeped in spring of daily Maureen and Charlie ...
I found Brett Easton Ellis American Psycho, which was released in the early 90s. A slap. Strong, very, very politically incorrect. To take the second degree. He draws portraits grating, superficial characters, head-to-slaps, junkies, rich bums. Excellent satirist, we refer here to our obsession with beauty, famous, the celebrities, the glamorous, following the hero Victor Ward into his madness, his neuroses.
The sun Scorta / Gaude, Laurent .- Actes Sud, 2004 .- 246 p.
I can not give my opinion, could not finish, started its release. Not in the mood . I gladly offer cons good care, instead he Gise, useless on my shelves. Many are saying good ...
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