Sunday, July 12, 2009

Rejuvenator Bowling Ball

Building Permits: you want or you want to?

Radio Silence since February, the microcosm has sensitive skin ...

Get a building permit for a project based on principles of eco-planning and building high performance is a nightmare: the various stakeholders in the decision have yet only theoretical knowledge and bookish, they are not accustomed to the terrain and the difficulty in identifying specific issues.
And then there's the classic through to believe that one is more loyal to a site if it parodies the architecture of the past, assuming it exists (which is not the case at La Sauffaz) : Our feeling is that it is precisely the best way to make it invisible in the diluent into the marshmallow.

short, rejection of the first project to come out, so we are changing our proposal ... and are forced to temporarily remain quiet!
We filed a new application for building permits, 22 June 2009: negotiations in progress ...
Aesthetically, we replaced the roof bold profile in wave by more conventional roof with two slopes, with slopes regulations, which forced us to abandon green roofs damage to the thermal comfort, especially for damage Landscape (from above in the mountains, we'll see more of our houses).
But we preserved what makes the quality and performance of the project, we even used the time to better optimize the design the benefit of future occupiers: particular, we have integrated the concept of the roof cold. Clearly, the habitable volume of homes will have exactly the form of a rectangular parallelepiped, the optimum in terms of compactness and efficiency, the insulation will be placed on the ceiling of this volume, and the space between the insulation and the roof will serve as a buffer space ventilated.

As for inserting landscape, I'll be the judge: see the photo below!

For the rest: to be continued ...


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