Sunday, May 9, 2010

Does A Leaning Mirror Need To Be Secured?

Catalog Private MM & M

Good evening!

I hope you had a great weekend.
For me, it was job, job and internship report.
I still had time to take a little trip to the Bon Marché and Grande Epicerie without causing irreversible damage to my bank account:)

As I told you stated in my previous post, I'll release a very special collection only available as private catalog. Articles and photos will therefore not online on my blog.
You can now begin to register to receive it when everything is ready!
=> (at) gmail (dot) com
Here's a little preview of what awaits you:

In parallel, I have a lot of projects and creations in mind which will materialize in the coming months. So full of goodies but I will not say more!

Have a good week and I'll say goodbye for new adventures!